One of the most frustrating problems in State of Decay 2 is the lack of sleep. Because you start with a small base, there are only a few available slots in your house, and sleep deprivation is a frustrating problem to deal with. However, if you have the trait of sleepiness, you can free up one of the few beds you currently have by sleeping on the ground. This trait can also help you with other challenges that you face in the game.
‘Just Keeps Going’ trait
In State of Decay 2, you have to keep moving around to survive. However, you have the option to build a safe haven, which offers food, rest, and weapons upgrades. The safe haven only works as good as the people inside it. This means that you need to equip your survivors with traits that are beneficial to your survival. This trait is useful when it comes to hunting zombies.
In State of Decay 2, you will encounter zombies, and your ‘Just Keeps Going’ trait will increase your stamina. This trait is also useful if you have to run around or stop zombies from advancing. It will also reduce your fatigue time. While you can’t go for days without rest, it will come in handy when you need to move quickly. By using a Red Talon Operative, you will be able to carry more supplies.
The ‘Just Keeps Going’ trait is essential for surviving in State of Decay 2. In the early game, this trait is crucial because it allows you to stay alive and active. During this time, you will need influence to do things, including purchasing outposts and making radio calls. However, it’s important to remember that this trait can be dangerous when it comes to your health and the health of your group.
‘Keeps Hidden Pouches’ trait
The ‘Keeps Hidden Pouches’ trait is a powerful tool that allows you to maximize your resources by bringing back the smallest items and increasing your carrying capacity. This trait also increases your capacity to carry more weight, making it more practical for long resource runs. While scavenging for items requires time and effort, bringing back more resources means fewer trips. In addition, this trait is useful for surviving as a team.
One of the best uses of the ‘Keeps Hidden Pouches’ trait is in crafting stat-boosting meals. When combined with the hero perk ‘Hunting Trips,’ this trait allows survivors to gather +1 food every day. This trait is particularly useful when the survivors have little food in stock. It’s a good idea to have as many as possible of this trait. This will help you get a lot more out of your powerful weapons.
Another great trait to obtain is ‘Keeps Hidden Pouches.’ This trait will be extremely useful in the world of State of Decay 2. It will help you collect items that can help you survive. This trait is especially useful if you’re always losing food. You’ll need it to make things happen faster and more efficiently. By keeping hidden pouches, you can make them more accessible to your followers. You’ll be able to find more food quickly. You’ll also need to carry food and water. You can find a wide variety of items in the game, but there’s no need to keep buying them. You can also sell them if you have the money to sell.
‘Sleeps on the Ground’ trait
One of the most frustrating aspects of State of Decay 2 is the lack of sleeping space. With so few available slots, a lack of beds can cause community morale to dip. One way to avoid sleep deprivation is to obtain the Sleeps on the Ground trait, which allows survivors to build beds in groups of two or four. Building a bed requires 2750 prestige points, but you can acquire the trait quickly if you have a large community.
Another great trait in State of Decay 2 is the Game Hunting trait. The Game Hunting trait will allow survivors to craft stat-boosting meals for themselves. In addition to this trait, it also comes with the hero perk, Hunting Trips, which will bring one additional food every day. As a result, the more survivors with this trait, the more food they’ll have to survive.
‘Officer Material’ trait
The ‘Officer Material’ trait in State of Degeneration 2 is one of the most important skills a Survivor can have. By having this trait, your Survivor can level up Wits twice as fast as everyone else. Survivors with this trait excel in stealth and scavenging. Having this trait can also increase morale in your home base, which reduces the chances of fighting while at the same time offsetting the damage done by other characters in your base.
The ‘Officer Material’ trait in State of Degeneration 2 is a highly useful skill because it gives your character the ability to buy more time to search for food and save it in your stockpile. This trait also has two other important perks. First, it gives you an increased rate of picking up Wit-based skills, like Field Testing, Obsession, Scavenging, and Vigilance.
‘Punched a Nazi’ trait
Developers of State of Decay 2 have announced that they will remove the negative Morale effect associated with the ‘Punched a Nazi’ personality trait. This change has caused a stir, as many players have complained that the trait makes their characters irritable and aggressive towards other survivors. Undead Labs have vowed to rectify the issue in a future hotfix. The new hotfix will remove the negative effect of the trait and turn it into a positive personality indicator. Players will still be able to get the boost in fighting experience, but will no longer be seen as a nuisance to their fellow survivors.
The negative trait has been a source of debate for some time now. A Twitter user, @Worthless_Bums, tweeted about this last week and suggested that the game developers change the trait to a positive one. The studio later changed the trait and apologized to Seow for the blockage. The change was geared toward making the game more inclusive and condemning Nazis.
The developer of State Of Decay 2, Undead Labs, have issued an apology for the confusion caused by the ‘Punched a Nazi’ character trait. They have also blocked Twitter user James Seow, a developer of Steam Marines 2.
‘Quartermaster’ trait
A trait called ‘Quartermaster’ can be advantageous for players who don’t like to store a lot of things. Having plenty of supplies can be a big advantage for players who have limited space. For example, players who don’t have much ammo or energy will find it beneficial to have a survivor with this trait. Having a good supply of both ammo and fuel will allow you to scavenge and stockpile resources.
Unlike other survival games, State of Decay 2 features traits. Surviving the game without a character trait will result in an inability to change their appearance. Survivors have one to four traits. When they find followers, they’ll have access to additional traits. This way, a player will be able to make better use of their weapons. ‘Quartermaster’ also helps players to have more supplies to survive.
Each base has a limited amount of storage space. After it reaches this limit, resources begin to break down. With a survivor with the ‘Quartermaster’ trait, a player will be able to gain an extra five storage space for building materials, fuel, and ammo. This trait is exclusive to Red Talon Contractors, and requires 2750 prestige points to summon one. ‘Quartermaster’ also reduces the morale bonus from outdoor bed facilities.