If you are looking for the best base in State of Decay 2, you should consider Fort Bridge. Fort Bridge is situated on a bridge, and thus provides some protection against zombies. The Fort is relatively cheap to buy and has large parking lots and a high number of open slots. If you are having trouble getting zombies to eat your food, consider building a fort at Fort Bridge. Here are some tips for building a fort at Fort Bridge:
Fort Bridge
In State of Degradation 2, Fort Bridge is one of the most popular places to start a base. The Fort is located in the Cascade Hills Foothills area. It is easily defensible and centrally located with good access to surrounding towns. Its slots for building a squad are flexible. It is also one of the easiest bases to claim. However, its limited customization options mean that it may not be the best choice for everyone.
The Fort Bridge is an excellent place to start if you are looking for the best base location to evade zombies. It is positioned on a bridge and has a great element of protection, thanks to its two watchtowers on the east and west points. It is also surprisingly cheap and has plenty of parking spaces. This makes it a great place to start if you are new to the game.
In State of Decay 2, there are many different bases to choose from. Each one can be a boon or a hindrance to survivors. While the choice is ultimately yours, it is crucial to make the right decision based on your individual preferences. You’ll need enough supplies, positive energy, and a strong base to survive. Choosing the best base is critical to your success and survival, so it’s worth checking out the following tips.
While choosing a base is an important consideration in State of Decay 2, it is also important to keep in mind the location of all the other bases in the area. In State of Decay 2, there are three maps: Drucker County, Cascade Hills, and Meagher Valley. Each has its own set of bases. For the best selection of base, you’ll need to consider which of these is the best for your particular needs.
Squelones Brewing Company
The Squelones Brewing Company is one of the best bases for State of Decay 2. This base is located in the northern Meagher Valley, just north of Squelones. It is large and well-defended, but the location means it’s not convenient in some parts of the map. As a result, the Squelones Brewing Company is the best base for this map.
The Squelones Brewing Company is located in Drucker County and is a mid-game base with multiple beds, a machine shop, and an enormous parking lot. The facility is almost self-explanatory and offers the most protection from enemies. Most Zombie movies feature characters hiding in basements or shopping malls, and this base is no exception. With its large parking lots and plenty of items inside, the Squelones Brewing Company is a fantastic place to spend your time and resources.
The Squelones Brewing Company is another good option in Providence Ridge. This base has a large, towering fence surrounding it. It also has a Gatewatch, which is great for general area surveillance. The Squelones Brewing Company is also a great starter base, and it comes with a number of free slots and buildings. In addition, the Squelones Brewing Company is the best base in Providence Ridge, which is an area that has the highest number of zombies.
Fortified Truck Stop
For all the people who are looking for a good base in State of decay 2, I would suggest you check out the Fortified Truck Stop, also known as Rusty Rosie’s. It’s one of the best medium bases in the game and can provide you with 14 facility slots. It’s a former roadside diner that has been converted into a safe haven. It’s a great base to use if you’re looking for a place to trade with other players and complete missions. You’ll have a lot of space in this base, so make sure to get a big enough one to have a great time.
The Fortified Truck Stop is also located in Drucker County, and can house four survivors and 1,000 Influence. It’s a decent upgrade over your initial home base, and has a built-in kitchen, two shelter beds, and a few other facilities. There are also two Large Slots and a Small Outdoor Slot for you to use to craft items. It’s the best base for a group of survivors, because it has all the facilities and resources that you’ll need to survive.
Location is also important, as a well-defended base is useless if it’s in the corner of the map. The best base in State of decay 2 is located in the center of the map, which means you can travel easily around. You can also place items in the trucks to prevent them from decomposing. This will give you a huge advantage when you’re in a hurry to find more resources.
Another base that’s worth checking out is the Lumber Mill. The Lumber Mill gives you a Sawmill to use, which will allow you to earn money from the lumber and other building materials. This is an excellent base to build on, but you shouldn’t rely on the Lumber Mill to be safe and secure. It’s a good option if you’re looking for a big base with lots of space, but it’s far from ideal.
Fortified Strip Mall
If you’re a seasoned player, then you know that Fortified Strip Mall is arguably the best base in State of decay 2. In the game, you can build up to eight beds, a machine shop, and a lot of parking and fuel storage. In addition, it offers many outdoor slots for building additional facilities. Fortified Strip Mall is also the best choice if you want to avoid the dangers of secluded shopping centers.
A good base in State of decay 2 is located in the middle of the map. While a base in the middle of the map might be well defended, it won’t be as accessible as a base in the map’s outer reaches. A large base in the middle of a map is ideal for easy travel and will provide you with good resources and defense. This base also offers a great view of the entire map.
The Lumber Mill: The Lumber Mill is an excellent addition to State of Decay 2. It lets you make use of the Sawmill and profit from it. The mill will also provide free building materials, which is important if you want to improve your base’s status. While it’s not as useful as Fortified Strip Mall, Lumber Mill will give you a competitive edge against your rivals.
The Fortified Strip Mall is a great place to build a big base. This is a place for up to eight players and three large facilities. The building needs 3,500 Influence to make. However, players who don’t need a lot of influence should build a smaller one. The Lumber Mill is located west of the starting base. It has three parking areas. And it also has a High-End Kitchen.
While selecting a base is important, it is not an easy task. Each map has its own set of demands, and the best base for your community might be somewhere else on this list. As a result, it’s important to choose a location that fits your preferences. Hopefully this article has given you some ideas to choose the best base for your next expedition! Just remember, that the best base for your community will depend on several factors, and it’s important to remember that the choice is yours, not mine!