The Domain of Forgery is the main source of Weapon Ascension Materials, which are needed to create the coveted Weapons of Ascension. However, obtaining these materials isn’t always easy. Each visit to the Domain will require you to defeat a certain number of enemies and usually within a specific time limit. Additionally, each visit will usually come with a random debuff. Ley Line Disorder is another common debuff that applies to your character when in a Domain.
Cecilia Garden
In the Genshin Impact expansion, the Forgery-type Domain of Cecilia Garden grants players materials for weapon ascension. Located northwest of Wolvendom, west of Mondstadt, it can be found by completing the ‘Cecilia Garden’ quest. The quest will grant players Mora and Primogems as rewards. In addition to Mora and Primogems, this area also contains additional ascension material.
Unlike the Abyssal Domains, the Forgery Domains rotate daily. Each day, a different one provides players with loot. You can find the Forgery Domains east of Mondstadt by using the “Abyssal Portal” quest. When you complete the quest, you will receive a reward of three Ascension Materials. Obtaining these materials will unlock the weapon’s Ascension and leveling ability.
To begin the quest, travel to Araumi and use your Anemo ability. The first Seelie will be on a pillar stacked with stones. Breaking this pillar will bring you to another Seelie. Next, climb to a small hill, where a cylinder of wind is trapped. Then, step on a raised block to reveal another Seelie inside of a rock formation.
Hidden Palace
The first Hidden Palace is located in the northern and southern parts of Tevyat, and players must reach Adventure Rank 16 to unlock it. To unlock it, players must guide wandering spirits to the shrines. The second hidden Palace is the Hidden Palace of Lianshan Formula, located near Mingyun Village in Liyue. This area has two different quests and requires the player to complete both in less than an hour.
In order to complete both of these quests, you must clear specific Domains of Forgery in order to unlock the next level. These quests can be completed with special Ascension Materials. In addition, these materials can be used to raise the upper level of your character. However, you can only collect them in the hidden Palace. While this area has a vast map, it is still full of quests. You can also upgrade your weapons mid-journey, or remove their level caps by collecting Weapon Ascension Materials.
In Hidden Palace, you will need to gather Weapon Ascension Materials, which are required to create various Ascension Items. The game requires a high Adventure Rank to get it. There are two different Forgery Domains in Hidden Palace. To complete one of them, you must reach Adventure Rank 16 or higher. You will need 20 Original Resin. You will need them to build the Weapons of Ascension.
Inazuma region contains the third Abyssal domain. This one is located at the bottom of a mountain. When you get there, it will be sealed. The entrance is also home to Electro Cicin, so be aware of this. Amber is a useful resource for unlocking the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula. You can find the map in the Adventurer’s Handbook. If you are unable to find the first one, you can try completing the quest by revisiting previous ones.
Taishan Mansion
Upon entering the domain, the players will find the door to the Taishan Mansion underwater. They must lower the water level in order to enter. Once they’re in, they will be faced with a series of environmental puzzles. Once they have solved them, they will be rewarded with valuable materials for upgrading Character Talent. Here, the players will find a treasure chest full of valuable materials.
The Taishan Mansion is a hidden treasure trove that will provide you with materials to help you level up your talents. The mansion is submerged underwater, but it can be unlocked by completing the puzzles. A clue to unlocking the mansion is given on a stone tablet that is found in front of the entrance. The hint suggests that draining the water from the lake is the key to unlocking the mansion.
When you complete the quest in Taishan Mansion, you’ll unlock a rotation of Talent Level-Up materials. Each material offers different rewards and can be used by players at different times. Depending on the level of the player, the materials can be used to boost weapon skills or to make the character more resistant to damage. In addition to these items, you can get more experience points. This will boost your leveling potential and help you unlock additional levels.
The Taishan Mansion is located in Liyue. To access this house, you need to have a high Adventure Rank and be in the area on Sunday. The rewards vary depending on the day of the week. During the week, you can expect to get more rewards, but on Sundays, you’ll receive fewer. If you’re looking for more challenging content, the Taishan Mansion is the place for you.
Forsaken Rift
Forsaken Rift is a part of the world of Morrowind where players can level up their talents through forged items. The forging process requires players to harvest several types of materials in a given area to create the items. The materials will increase your Stamina Consumption and Condensed Ice DMG. The DMG generated by these effects are affected by a player’s Cryo RES, but not by their DEF or DMG Reduction. You will need to be careful when playing this area, as Pyro attacks can break your Cryo Shield.
The Forgery Domain has a fixed schedule, so players must plan their travel accordingly. A player who can complete both Forgery and Mastery Domains will get a high level item that grants them both Weapon Ascension Materials and Talent Ascension Materials. Each region in the game has its own Domain of Forgery and Mastery. There are three types of items that you can obtain from each of these domains: Weapon Ascension Materials, Mastery Weapons, and Condensed Resin. The Forgery version of these items will give you Weapon Ascension Materials, while the Mastery version will give you Talent Ascension Materials.
The Forsaken Rift is a location in Mondstadt, between Dragonspine and Springvale. You will need to be Adventure Rank 28 and have a party of level 54 to access the Forsaken Rift. This area has several rewards that rotate by day. The Frozen Abyss and the Resistance Talent Level-up materials are found on Tuesdays and Fridays.
In Forsaken Rift, the Forsaken Rift Domain can be found in Mondstadt. It is a daily rotation zone, near the Valley Of Remembrance. Players can unlock the Forsaken Rift by completing the game’s adventure mode. Players can also earn Weapon Ascension Materials while leveling. They can also use these materials to upgrade their weapons.
The Forsaken Rift game mode features a massive world filled with quests and collectables. The game is very large, so it can be challenging to find places to spend your resin. However, if you follow the directions above, you will eventually find a decent amount of crafting materials in the game. This way, you can start using your crafting skills. You’ll be able to build weapons that can increase your character’s stats.