After Peter Parker saves the world from the Green Goblin, his paternal aunt appears in the movie Spider-Man. Although Aunt May is portrayed by an actress, she was never really dead. Peter and Aunt May reconcile and admit that they both knew that Peter was Spider-Man. She tells Peter that her husband Ben would be proud of him and tells him to live his life as Spider-Man. But the mystery remains over how Aunt May died.
Uncle Ben Parker
The death of Aunt May in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Civil War has left many fans in shock and disbelief. While Aunt May is no longer a direct presence in the MCU, there are several reasons why Uncle Ben would be still alive in the next Marvel film. If Uncle Ben is still alive, he would fulfill Aunt May’s role in Peter Parker’s life. As a side note, Ben has been rumored to have had a love child with Marisa Tomei in real life, but that would not be very likely.
When May Parker dies, her young nephew Peter is left to raise alone. The orphaned Peter grows up to be a teenage delinquent. One day, he goes on a joyride in the middle of Bruce Banner’s military base. The gamma bomb in the base causes Peter to become the Incredible Hulk. This is the beginning of Uncle Ben’s adventures as Spider-Man.
The death of Aunt May, who played Aunt May in the Spider-Man films, was an emotional moment for Peter. Despite the tragic nature of her death, Aunt May’s death galvanized Peter and his friends. Before her death, she gave him a famous Spider-Man line that often served as a source of inspiration for Peter. Usually, the line comes from Uncle Ben, but Aunt May makes sure that Peter hears it from her.
Peter Parker’s paternal aunt
While it is not entirely clear how she died, Peter Parker’s paternal aunt, May, has always been a close friend to the young Spidey. May was fond of Peter, even after he dumped Mary Jane for a more attractive woman. Despite this, she never tried to make him go see Harry. May felt that the Osborns were dangerous and wished to protect Peter from them. As time went by, May’s health slowly deteriorated. Peter was unable to attend school or the Daily Bugle because of this. When Peter returned late from fighting warriors, May threatened to throw him out. The next day, Peter explained to his Aunt that Flash was abducted by Studio Din and Mita.
While he was unsure of the motives behind MJ’s disappearance, Peter was deeply concerned about her. Gwen was becoming closer to May, and Peter was also worried about her safety. One day, Mary Watson called May and told her that MJ had run away with their clothes and money. May tried to find Peter, but Peter was busy fighting Black Cat and Elektra, so she could not find M.J. May was worried about her daughter, but she managed to locate Peter in time to bring her back safely.
After May and Ben Parker’s parents’ deaths, Ben Parker and Mary became Peter’s foster parents. May had no biological children, and Ben was the foster father. Although she felt unprepared to take care of a child, she felt that she was unable to raise Peter without the aid of her brother. Nevertheless, she loved Peter and was thrilled to care for him and his brother. And the two of them grew closer together as the days went on.
Green Goblin
After a series of heartbreaking events, Spider-Man and his Uncle Ben finally get to say their goodbyes. Unfortunately, Uncle Ben was killed in a carjacking in June 2002, but Peter and Aunt May were able to move into an apartment together. On Thanksgiving Day, Aunt May visited Harry Osborn and Peter’s family to say goodbye. During the meal, May reprimanded Norman for his rudeness. Soon after, the Green Goblin attacked her while she was praying.
Although Aunt May has died a few times before, her death in the comics never seemed as definitive as it did in the MCU and video game adaptation. Peter Parker’s reaction to the situation is understandable. Nevertheless, it’s still disappointing to learn that his favorite character is no longer alive. The comic series will not be able to give Aunt May a proper sendoff like this one. If she dies due to the green goblin, then it is a sign that Marvel is unable to give her a proper send-off.
The death of Aunt May caused a major impact on the Marvel brand, and the subsequent creation of Punisher and Luke Cage. As a result, the Green Goblin became the new archenemy of Spider-Man. While Aunt May’s death didn’t directly affect the development of the Spider-Man franchise, her loss affected how Spider-Man’s story was portrayed by the media.
J. Jonah Jameson Sr.
As the son of a former newspaper editor, Jonah Jameson Sr. has a storied history with the civil rights movement and has long supported equal rights for people of all races, including mutants. When he became a reporter at the Daily Bugle, he began to write for the news. This role helped him build a strong reputation as a journalist, but also brought him into conflict with the Kingpin. Despite the setbacks, Jameson has remained a staunch advocate for equality and rights for all.
Aside from his appearance in Marvel Comics, he is also featured in films and on television. The film adaptation of the Fantastic Four features his character, although he is not named explicitly. He appears in an early scene where he saves a group of people from a falling bridge, and he recognizes a man with a mustache and a newspaper headline. Eventually, he becomes a controversial talk show host and is often compared to Spider-Man.
Although Jameson hates superheroes, he has a deeper reason for this hatred. He dislikes Spider-Man because he sees them as irresponsible and untrustworthy. Despite this, Jameson doesn’t really hate Spider-Man. He uses his derogatory remarks about the’spy’ to promote his own publications. His real motivation is to make more money by demonizing Spider-Man.
Mary Jane
In the comic book “Mary Jane May Die”, Aunt Willis is in a coma and Peter is determined to move her as soon as possible. Peter breaks nine laws and thinks he can get away with it because of her fingerprints. When Aunt May finally does die, Mary Jane may be the only person alive who can help her. But what happens to Aunt Willis’s family? Why is Mary Jane so afraid of death?
When she was thirteen, Mary Jane was infatuated with Peter Parker and his sister, and he couldn’t understand how he was capable of such a romantic act. She hid her true identity behind her exuberance and tried to hide it in her dazzling personality. When they moved to New York, Peter and Mary Jane rented a loft in a building with Harry’s family, which also houses Kristie, Mary Jane’s niece. After the couple moved into their new apartment, they began having financial problems, and Mary Jane moved into Aunt May’s house.
The two were on the outs for six months after Aunt Will died, but this did not seem to detract from the chemistry between Peter and Mary Jane. As Peter continued to sneak out and go on adventures as Spider-Man, his sister Mary Jane also became involved in a modeling career. In the comics, Aunt Willie hoped to be with him forever but he had to keep her secret. The two then briefly moved to Seattle, where she met Paul, and she has two children who call her “Mom.”
Harry Osborn
It’s not long before Harry Osborn encounters Spider-Man, who has been dealing with evil for over three years. As Peter Parker was making the transition from high school to college, he was dealing with the loss of his Aunt May. At the same time, Flash Thompson, a high school bully, is attempting to introduce Harry and Gwen Stacy to Peter. May’s death has a significant impact on Peter’s life, and he and Gwen have to work together to stop Flash Thompson from destroying her.
After his father’s death, Norman Osborn made a deal with Mephisto, the most nefarious villain in Marvel. The deal made it possible for him to regain his success by selling his son’s soul. This deal led him to become one of the most infamous villains in Marvel history. Mephisto’s immense power grew as the older Osborn was forced to deal with his son’s death. He used his new-found power to manipulate many heroes, and even his own daughter, Liz, was left behind.
After Harry Osborn’s father died in the Goblin Formula, Norman turned his nephew and niece into a mini menace and bribed two morgue medics. He also used his cousin Mysterio to switch the autopsy reports. This caused a panic among the people who attended the autopsy. However, Norman’s nephew was saved by Emma, and the entire family was reunited.