The first step is to find the stones in the west area. You will see a pattern on a stone block. You need to use the pattern on a stone block to find the camp. The next step is to find higher ground. The west area has a tree with a ladder attached to one side. You will need to use this ladder to get on top of the platform. After this step, you will need to activate the first set of stones.
Ishine Scripts
In the Ishine Scripts, you must solve the puzzle by moving the right symbols in front of the stationary stones. The first symbol is the triangle looking one. Move the triangle in the direction of the second symbol. The F should be moved in the direction of the circular symbol. The upside down R should be moved inward. The puzzle is to solve all five symbols in the correct order.
The fifth stone slate is located in the Mt Kanna area. This location is located north of the center. North of the center is a statue of a glowing purple bird. It’s hidden under a slanted rock. Using a peculiar pinion, you’ll find the mysterious stones. Using the Ishine Script, you’ll be able to decipher symbols written on a wall in front of the stones.
The Ishine Scripts are symbols on the cave walls that relate to a specific Hidden Exploration Objective. The Ishine Scripts are a standalone puzzle, and they’re only accessible after the player has completed the Octave of Maushiro questline. Once you’ve figured out all of the puzzles, you can go ahead and unlock the Mt. Kanna, Oina Beach, and the Octave of Maushiro.
In the Ishine Scripts, you can use the Peculiar Pinion feather to activate the stone. After you have activated it, an Electro Seelie will spawn. The Electro Seelie should be followed closely. You should be aware of the Rifthounds, because they deal heavy damage if left unchecked. However, they can be difficult to spot, especially since they spawn near Samachurls.
Ishine Scripts appear on the stones
The goal of the Ishine Script puzzle is to find the Ishine Symbol and place it in front of the stationary stone. If the Ishine Symbol is a triangle, you should move it to the left. If it is a circular symbol, move it to the right. If the spiral symbol is upside down, move it inwards. Then place the upside down R on the other stone. Then you’ve solved the puzzle and gotten the Seven Letters achievement.
The Ishine Script will appear on stones in a variety of locations, from a Thunderbird statue to an ancient mural. Once you find them, you can use your normal attack to light up the stones. You will then need to solve a puzzle involving hitting five of these stones in the order they appear. The letters and numbers in these puzzles are engraved onto the stones, and the Ishine Scripts will appear on them.
You will have to solve the puzzle to unlock the Thunderbird Statue. Use the Peculiar Pinion on it to prompt the Ishine Script to appear on the stones. If you do not have the Thunderbird Statue, use your Thunderbird to activate the Peculiar Pinion to reveal it. This statue will reveal a different symbol for the stone next to it.
The fifth stone slate is located at Mt. Kanna. It’s located just north of the centre. The statue is hidden under a slanted rock. Once you find it, a mysterious pinion will lead you to the stones and the Ishine Script. You must activate the stones to hear more. The symbols will be displayed on the stones as you continue to play the game.
Using a peculiar pinion to solve the puzzle
Using a peculiar pinion is one of the first puzzles in the game, which players must solve in order to advance to the next level. You get this gadget by using it on a bird statue. The gadget will create an illusion where you can hear the birds’ conversations and the symbols of the stones will light up. After you use it, an Electro Seelie will appear in the game, and you must follow her to another bird monument.
To complete this quest, you will need to go to Wakukau Shoal, which is part of the Through the Mists questline. You will need to scan a few different locations with the Peculiar Pinion gadget, and then activate the bird statues near the waypoint. You will then need to use this gadget to activate the clues and complete the puzzle.
The first puzzle is a quick one, and it is a straightforward puzzle. You must collect five Thunderbird Statues, each with a different symbol. Once you’ve acquired these statues, you must activate the stones on them. In this case, you will need to use your bow to activate the symbols. However, you can also use your Peculiar Pinion to find the Electro Seelie, and solve the mystery of the stones.
The second puzzle is a more complicated one, and requires you to make use of the Peculiar Pinion on a statue and a tree trunk. You will need to find a Peculiar Pinion to locate this statue. Once you have the Peculiar Pinion, you will need to use it on the stone. When you have mastered the art of interpreting the symbols on the statue, you’ll be able to solve the mystery of the stones.
The Peculiar Pinion is a gadget that is required to activate the stone puzzles in Tsurumi Island. Once you have the gadget, you can use it on the Thunderbird Statue and other statues in the area. It has special properties, and you can only obtain it through quests in the Seirai Stormchasers world. After you collect it, you can use it on the Thunderbird Statue to solve the mystery of the stones.
Activating the first set of stones
In order to activate the first set of stones, you must go to a Thunderbird Statue. Activating one of them will trigger a quest called the Stone Puzzle. Once you activate the Peculiar Pinion gadget, a Seelie will spawn, directing you to other Thunderbird Statues. He will also give you the order of which stones you need to activate. Once you have identified the correct sequence, you can activate the stones.
To advance through the world quest, players must activate the first set of stones. To solve the mystery of the stones, they must place the Stone Slates in the correct order on a central platform. Once this is done, they must move the southern slate to the southwest, the southeastern slate to the south, and the eastern slate to the southeast. To reset the arrangement, activate the right mechanism and talk to Koyanagi to learn how to move the other Stone Slates.
The next set of stones is located in an area near the Thunderbird statue. There are three stormstones in this area. You can activate them using either Sara or Fischl. You can use the Peculiar Pinion to detect hidden items around murals. However, the first set will only unlock when you complete the Octave of the Maushiro quest. Activating the first set of stones will allow you to advance to the second. This will unlock a new area where you will find a Thunderbird statue.
The third set of stones can be found on the Shirikoko Peak. It contains a large hole in the center and several stone slates lined up in a row. You can activate the Peculiar Pinions next to the south walls and bird statues to find chests and symbols on the walls. It’s not that difficult! You’ll have to match the stones in the correct order to unlock a chest, but you have to be careful!