In order to max out the Talents of Barbara, you will need to buy several items. These items are called Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill. These are the best items for leveling Barbara. You can also find sets of these items for Maiden Beloved. To max out these items, you will need lots of Mora and Varunada Lazurite. Here are a few tips to help you get them.
Elemental Burst
The character Barbara is a 4-star Hydro character who specializes in healing the party. Unlike other healers, who are either sub-DPS or partial DPS, Barbara’s main role is to use her elemental skill and burst to heal the party’s members. The good thing about this character is that you can get it for free if you play the game as a new player. The first step is to reach adventure rank 18, where you unlock the quest “A Long Shot.”
The elemental skill of Barbara provides her team with HP regeneration. The HP regeneration is not very high, but it is faster than the HP regeneration provided by her normal attacks. This makes her the perfect healer for a team that needs a quick boost. While her main heal is Shining Miracle, her elemental burst is also great for topping off the HP bars of the team. You can use it every time the cooldown on an ability resets to maximize the healing it can do.
In addition to the Elemental Burst, Barbara Genshin has other abilities that make her a great healer. For example, she can also use the Catalyst weapon, which uses the Hydro element. If you use the Charged Attack, Barbara will deal Hydro damage to enemies. The other elemental skill, Let the Show Begin, uses the Hydro element to create a Melody Loop and deals Hydro DMG to enemies while applying “wet” status.
In addition to being a healer, Barbara has a utility passive talent that increases the duration of Let the Show Begin’s Melody, Hydro Damage, and restorative effects. As long as she has enough Stamina, she can also use her Hydro ability mid-air, which deals AOE Hydro damage to all opponents in her path. Hydro also allows Barbara to apply elemental reactions, which in turn heal her allies.
Elemental Skill
The most iconic ability of the player character, Barbara’s Elemental Skill, creates a powerful aura of water and music. It continuously heals the current character, deals hydro damage, and applies wet to enemies. This skill carries over to any character in the party, so players can use it to help heal other members of the party. It’s possible to charge this ability so that it heals four times as much.
Unlike other characters, Barbara receives this skill at a normal rate from her Wanderlust Invocation Standard Wish, a persistent wish that can be used any time. This skill increases the healing received by 20% for ten seconds. The ability is also available on the Prototype Amber catalyst weapon, which increases healing output and effectiveness by 15%. While the Elemental Skill is not a primary skill, it can be used as a support for any other class.
The best team comp for Barbara is composed of characters that can effectively utilize this skill. The best team comp for her is made up of characters that have meta Genshin Impact and can enhance her damage. Her team can be made up of Bennett, Eula, and Diona. The two Cryo characters will boost her crit rate against frozen and affected enemies. Diona can also provide healing and shielding for the team.
The best build for Barbara depends on her skill set and your playstyle. The best Barbara build focuses on damage and healing. It is very versatile and suited for endgame bosses and the Spiral Abyss. There are several ways to build her to maximize her damage and utility. A few of them include:
Maiden Beloved sets
The Barbara Genshin Maiden Beloveded set increases Barbara’s healing effectiveness by 15%. In addition, she can use her skill or elemental burst to increase the healing of her party members by 20%. Using this set can also recharge your HP and energy, making it an excellent choice for healers. The artifact can be found in the Valley of Remembrance Domain, Mondstadt.
Players can obtain one of the two artifact sets in the game’s free-to-play beta. Each piece grants a different bonus to a character. For instance, the 2-piece set gives a 20% boost to healing output, while the four-piece set gives a 30% boost to healing received. The artifact is best placed on healers, but it will also increase the damage done by characters by 10%.
The 4 Piece set has a special effect that makes it possible for Barbara to heal more quickly. It also boosts her overall healing stat, which is based on her HP. In addition, the healing bonus from the 4x set will help her heal more effectively, which will be beneficial in the long run. This set also gives her access to the Prototype Amber, which is a unique skill she can craft at early in the game. It’s also a great choice if you’re trying to heal your entire party at once. The 4 Piece set also increases her overall healing, which is essential for defending yourself against monsters.
This set is ideal for a healer who is heavily focused on healing, since it increases the total healing received by all party members by 15%. To find this set, you can take the Valley of Remembrance between Dawn Winery and Dragonspine. It takes AR 30 to take on this stage. While the set is good for your healer, it’s not very practical for your party’s health, but it does increase the overall amount of healing.
The new characters Barbara Genshin Xiangling and Yingqiu will be appearing in a few days, but for now, let’s focus on Yingqiu. She’s an extremely fast-moving character with lightning-fast attacks, and Xiangling has an incredibly powerful Elemental Burst. Xiangling is a free character, and you can get her by clearing Spiral Abyss.
In addition to the existing skills and items, the new items will be available in the upcoming Genshin Impact 2.1. During the new expansion, players will be able to obtain a new Hydro healer called Sangonomiya Kokomi. This new item has a large amount of healing, but you’ll need to spend some field time using it before you can use it. If you’re a tank, she’s an excellent choice for your team.
Another great new ability is the Elemental Skill. This ability provides periodical healing. In addition, it surrounds an active character with Hydro. It’s important to remember that this skill is also a useful healer, so it’s important to use it when appropriate. As a healer, Barbara’s Xiangling talent is quite effective. It makes her a very versatile support character.
There are several other Gacha characters you can get in Genshin Impact, but the best one to get is Yanfei. She’s the most useful teammate, and she’s great with Xiangling. She can help you get a lot of damage in a single round. If you don’t have a good DPS character, you can also try Kaeya, who can be a Sub-DPS. She can also stack damage quickly. Her element is Cryo, so she works well with Barbara. She’s a great support character and can use her Elemental Skill to attack frozen enemies.
There’s no denying that fans can ship Bennett and Barbara. The series has a large number of characters, so fans can’t help but ship love teams. The Bennett and Barbara fan-made romance started when a Reddit user shared an image of artwork depicting the two characters together. The users were elated by the adorable illustrations of Bennett and Barbara. So much so that fans began to create their own love teams using the characters.
This pair is compatible with each other. Bennett is a four-star Pyro, while Barbara is a four-star Hydro. Their combination gives them a lot of synergy. Their abilities complement each other, and their love story has been one of the most popular on the game. For example, Bennett can buff Diluc’s performance with his burst, and Diluc can use the shielding abilities of Cryo reaction.
In addition to being a top-tier rogue, Bennett can also be a good support character. She can combine with other support characters to increase their DPS output. Her team can also be bolstered by Fischl’s pyro abilities. When used correctly, Bennett can bring the team’s DMG to unbelievable numbers. And when combined with a support character, she can deal massive damage. In addition, Bennett can use her abilities to deal more damage.
A typical Barbara build will give the player the best of both worlds. The 4-star Hydro Catalyst character can deal DMG while healing at the same time. She has a unique build that allows her to maximize both her healing abilities and DMG output. By using this skill, Barbara can effectively deal massive damage while keeping the rest of the team safe. A great way to get the best of her abilities is to level her Normal Attack talent.