In the new update, the Yaoguang Shoal is now a part of the game’s main quest. Located in the arid land of Yunlin, the shoal offers a special treasure that can be collected by completing the combat challenge. The treasure contains three Hero’s Wits, 60 Primogems, 30,000 Mora, and six Mystic Enhancement Ores. Genshin Impact is available for PC, mobile, and Switch. A PS5 version is currently in development.
Combat challenge in yaoguang shoal
If you’ve been searching for a new place to get some rare items, you might have heard of the treasure location of Yaoguang Shoal. It’s a series of small islands to the south-east of the Quilt Plains. Although it can be difficult to find, using a Seelie character will lead you to the treasure location, which is hidden beneath the sand next to a building. After you find the treasure, you’ll have to complete a combat challenge in order to get some of the rewards that the treasure provides.
The first combat challenge in this treasure location is to fight three enemies. The enemies are abyss mages. You must defeat them in under thirty seconds. It’s worth remembering that after each kill, the timer will not reset, so you’ll need to be quick. A good weapon to use is the Claymore. It’s also a good idea to equip a Geo character or a Geo item.
The next combat challenge in Yaoguang Shoal treasure genshin is much easier than the last one. It requires you to fight three Geo shield large Hilchurls and one super armored Geo hilchurl. You’ll need a Claymore and a Geo hero to succeed, and you’ll be rewarded with Hero’s Wit and Primogems.
After you complete the combat challenge in the Yaoguang Shoal treasure, you can find a special item. If you’re using a Treasure-Seeking Seely, you should try digging up a light beam. When you’ve dug up the light beam, you’ll get a marker next to it. Pressing this marker will initiate a combat challenge. If you’re successful, you’ll unlock a special treasure.
After you complete the combat challenge, you’ll be able to find the second special treasure in Yaoguang Shoal. You’ll need to defeat two Mitachurls and a Hilichurl Chieftain to get it. After you’ve done that, you’ll be given a timer that increases until you reach the special treasure. If you don’t want to do this, you can also find a promo code for the game and get some extra coins. You can play Genshin Impact on PC, mobile, and PS4. It’s also available for Switch and PS5.
The Yaoguang Shoal treasure area is made up of small sandy islands, separated by a small bay. You can visit it by boat or glide over the water to get there. In addition, the Treasure Chests are scattered around the islands. The treasure chests are located at strategic points that you need to complete in order to get the item that you’re after. You can buy them from the Treasure Store to obtain rare items.
The first trail begins at the beach of Yaoguang Shoal. After completing this, you’ll be guided to the next challenge. Once you’re ready, you can cook the recipe to make tasty meals for your party. The rewards are Primogems, Varunada Lazurite Fragment, 20000 Mora, and 50 Moonchase Festival Festive Fever.
The combat challenge in Yaoguang Shoal treasure is very easy. To complete it, you have to defeat three opponents within a certain timeframe. You start with 60 seconds on your watch, and then you gain an extra minute each time you kill an enemy. This is a pretty easy task, but you’ll have to use your skills to finish the game. But don’t worry, there’s still time to complete this challenge.
Rewards for unlocking special treasure in yaoguang shoal
The special treasure in Yaoguang Shoal is hidden under the ruins of a church. To unlock it, you have to defeat two Abyss Mages and stay out of the freezing puddles. If you’re using a Pyro character, this shouldn’t be too hard. Upon successful completion, you’ll receive 60 Primogems, 10 Hero’s Wit, 30,000 Mora, and six Mystic Enchantment Ores.
To unlock this special treasure, you have to defeat three enemies in the designated time period. Each time you kill a creature, you’ll gain additional time to kill them. The rewards are 3 Hero’s Wits, 60 Primogems, 30,000 Mora, and six Mystic Enhancement Ores. You can use promo codes to unlock the special treasures for free. Genshin Impact is currently available for PC and Mobile. Switch and PS5 versions of the game are in development.
Genshin Impact features a dungeon system and open world design. This means that players can explore different areas and find all sorts of secrets and rewards. The open world of the Genshin Impact game is filled with interesting characters and environments, and the players can also face off against a wide variety of formidable foes. The Yaoguang Shoal is named after the bioluminescent creatures that used to inhabit the area. The bioluminescent creatures have now vanished, but the shoal remains.