If you’re looking for a new weapon in Destiny 2, you may be interested in Sweet Business. This auto-reloading auto rifle comes with a new perk called “Serious Business,” and you’ll need 250 multi-kills to unlock it. To learn more about this weapon, read on! If you’re new to the game, don’t worry. There are several ways to obtain it. If you play carefully and spend some time playing the game, you’ll find that you’ll have an advantage.
Destiny 2’s Sweet Business
The Sweet Business is a very powerful weapon that can be used to take down enemies. It can be obtained from loot drops in PVE or purchased from Xur. It has a boosted rate of fire and range, and can automatically load ammo pickups into the magazine. Using it will improve the stats of your weapon and unlock all the weapon perks. You can also equip a weapon ornament to make the Sweet Business even better. The ornament will unlock for all the characters in your account.
The Sweet Business Catalyst is a rare drop from activities in the playlist. It increases weapon stability and reduces weapon flinch. You can also equip it to improve your weapon and eliminate enemies from a distance. However, you should keep in mind that this catalyst can be obtained retroactively. This means that if you’ve already bought it, you won’t be able to use it right away.
The sweet business catalyst in Destiny 2 can be unlocked by completing activities in the Altar of Sorrow. You can repeat this activity as many times as you want and you’ll have it unlocked within an hour or two. You can try this strategy out yourself and let us know how it goes! You can also share your experience in the comments section. If you find any tips or tricks, please share them with us.
It’s an auto-reloading auto rifle
The Sweet business catalyst is an auto-reload shooting auto rifle that allows you to multi-kill and reload. This weapon can be used to eliminate enemies and stop nightmare rituals. The weapon is upgraded when used on enemies, so it is best to upgrade it as soon as possible. You can upgrade the Sweet business catalyst by defeating 250 groups of four enemies and killing 1,000 enemies. The easiest way to unlock the Sweet Business catalyst is to do the Altar of Sorrows activity. You can do this activity as many times as you like, and you can do it in under an hour.
The Sweet Business catalyst is a rare drop that unlocks various weapons, such as the sweet business. This weapon’s main purpose is to increase damage. Its damage increases over time, so it can be used to eliminate many enemies in one shot. It also allows you to hold aim for longer, increasing its accuracy and firing speed. The weapon has a minimal recoil time, which makes it perfect for fast-paced battles. Its reloading time is minimal and can be increased by ammo pickups.
As an auto-reloading auto rifle, the Sweet Business is an excellent choice for close-to-mid-range combat. Its dual-purpose stock helps you to hold it in a stable position. It also has a 150-round magazine, which is the largest of any auto rifle. It has a high rate of fire and is particularly accurate when fired from the hip. In addition, the Sweet Business has an auto-reloading magazine that instantly reloads after use of heavy or special ammo.
It has a new perk called “Serious Business”
The Sweet Business Catalyst is an Exotic Catalyst. It’s a powerful weapon with a few benefits. Its damage swing is reduced, and it has a new perk called “Serious Business.” Using Serious Business on enemies will also reduce their flinching when hit. However, the Sweet Business Catalyst is one of the weakest Exotic Catalysts in Destiny 2.
The Sweet Business Catalyst has flinch reduction, which will make it easier for you to shoot. This perk can be unlocked by rapidly defeating enemies in groups of four or more. It increases your accuracy by a small amount, which means more shots will hit the target. You can find it randomly in the Crucible, but it is worth finding a group of four enemies first.
Serious Business deals more sustained damage than Tommy’s Matchbook, but it’s not a great choice for all players. It drains your health with consistent fire, and Sweet Business requires you to be in closer range. Those who prefer instant kills are better off using Xenophage. If you have a Titan with an Actium War-Rig, Serious Business is a great choice.
In order to use Serious Business, you must beat enemies in groups of four or more by beating them for 250 times. It will give you a chance to craft sweet items faster, but it takes some time to spin up, so you’ll have to be patient and try to kill as many enemies as you can. This is a killer weapon in Destiny 2 that can make any target feel frightened.
It requires 250 multi-kills to unlock
In Destiny 2, you can use the Sweet Business Catalyst to improve your weapon. Generally, you need at least 250 multi-kills to unlock the catalyst. However, there are some activities where you can gain more than four multi-kills, such as the Altars of Sorrow. To unlock the catalyst, you have to defeat a certain number of nightmare enemies on each level.
To unlock the catalyst, you need to kill 250 groups of four enemies. However, to upgrade the Catalyst, you must first have 1000 enemies. If you don’t have that many enemies yet, you can always go back and add them to your total later. Alternatively, you can switch to Strikes to gain 250 group kills much faster. This will also give you a much better chance of obtaining the catalyst.
The Nightmare event is a timed event. The timer for the event increases by one second for every redbar that is killed. The only way to prevent this from happening is to interrupt the ritual with a trade weapon. The red bars on the enemies increase your Catalyst counter as you kill them. The best strategy for this event is to kill enemies in the lower levels, as this will increase your chance of obtaining the catalyst.
It’s a good weapon but not great
The Sweet Business Catalyst is a good weapon that can be beneficial in almost every situation. It is superior to all other weapons in Faction Rally and is comparable to the Coldheart when it comes to boss damage. It is very effective in managing mobs, elites, and supervisors. It is so good at this that you almost never have to change it. However, there are some downsides to the weapon.
The Sweet Business Catalyst is a weapon that can hold down its target for a long time, but it is not the best weapon. The reason it isn’t better is because it doesn’t have the best weapon skills in the game. The catalyst’s main purpose is to kill a lot of people at once. It’s not the best weapon in the game, but it’s great at its job.
The Sweet Business Catalyst is a weapon that can be upgraded. To upgrade it, you’ll need to defeat 250 groups of four enemies and kill 1,000. Performing these activities over will unlock the Sweet Business Catalyst in an hour or less. However, there’s a catch: it costs you 250 kills to get the best upgrades. It is not worth spending a lot of money on it if you’re looking for a high DPS auto rifle.
It’s a decent upgrade over Coldheart
The Sweet Business Catalyst is a decent upgrade over the Coldheart, though it doesn’t have many significant benefits. One of the biggest is a reduction in incoming damage swing. Another advantage is that it improves your weapon and makes it easier to use against enemies. Aside from that, it also gives a 3% health buff, which is useful for killing enemy players from the sky.
The Trace Rifle is the best weapon in the game right now. Its long range, huge magazine and high damage output make it an extremely good weapon, especially against boss enemies or players with no cover. The only downfall is the magazine size, which can be a real pain to use in the middle of a fight. But if you have the money to spend, you can find a decent replacement for the Coldheart – the Sweet Business Catalyst.
Another reason to choose Sweet Business is its higher damage output. The weapon has a higher damage output, and the longer trigger hold makes it more stable and powerful. It also doesn’t take much ammo, so you can only use it a few times before you have to hunt for more. A good tip for this weapon is that it can be reloaded while you are firing. It also has improved hip-fire stability.